Here's Your Sign!

2022 signs CAN be used IF you change the QR code.

QR codes from 2022 will not work for 2023 campaign

2023 Sign files are available NOW !!

Visit Office Depot or Staples for your Yard Signs

Scroll further down the page for additional information on ordering your signs

Do not alter the signs

PLEASE – Do NOT alter the signs once you receive them.  We know we have some very creative folks out there and you would like to incorporate your sign into your display a little differently, however, we do not want to unintentionally misrepresent St. Jude nor tarnish the brand.  We trust you will understand and hope you will help us keep the good train moving forward!  Thank you!

It is imperative that everyone watches each of the videos BEFORE downloading signs.  This will determine which type of sign you will be downloading – “General” fundraising will utilize the files shown below whereas “Team” fundraising will require a custom sign with a custom QR code pointing directly to your Team page on St. Jude’s Fundraising site.

If you are looking to understand how much your display (or group of folks) is generating for the season, it is IMPORTANT that you follow the instructions in the videos above to create a Team site.  This will ensure that all are working from the same sheet of music, will make the search function similar for all and will make the list of homes appear the same in the list.  A custom sign pdf file will be sent to you with the custom QR code included pointing directly to your Team’s donation page.  BE CAREFUL which sign file you are sending to your friends and posting on social media – Make sure it is YOUR specific file with YOUR specific QR code!

Remember:  You must create your Team site before a custom QR code can be generated and your sign file created.  Visit to setup your Team and get the ball rolling!

For those getting custom signs, your files will be sent via Facebook Messenger within 24 hours of creating the group.  If you have not received your file by then, please reach out – but do allow a little bit of time!

These files are for General Donations ONLY - NOT Team Sites

English Version

With Frightmaps QR codes

Click on the image to download

Spanish Version

Optional signs to enhance your display

Use this to replace your 2022 QR code on your existing sign

Click on the image to download PDF



With Frightmaps QR code

Click on the image to download

Left is Horizontal and right is Vertical

Here are two good options for getting your signs made:  Office Depot and Staples.  Office Depot has larger signs than Staples and allows for two different methods of printing (short term usage and long term).  There is about a $10 difference with Office Depot being more expensive than Staples.  Listed below are the steps to order a sign from each.  Should you have issues, Contact Us and we will assist where we can.

** Please make sure you do not alter the signs in any way.  We don’t want to unintentionally misrepresent St. Jude nor tarnish their brand. **

~ Click the video below to see things in action ~

Visit and hover your mouse over [Services] then down to [Print & Copy] then to the right clicking on [Yard Signs] in the middle of the page.

Click the [Upload your design] button

Select the size and then click [Continue]

Select from [My Device] and find the location you saved the PDF to

For horizontal orientatio, select the (Horizontal) file and for vertical orientation, select the (Vertical) file.

If printing horizontal, we will simply click [Print Options] in the lower right corner.  

If printing vertical, we have a few more steps to take.  1) click on the image reveling the handles  2) click on the blue handle at the top of the image and (while holding your mouse button down) move to the left until the numbers say 270.  Then using the blue dots in the corners of the image, size the image to fit the canvas.  Now click [Print Options] in the lower right corner

Two printing types are presented, one direct to the coro which is said to last longer, is $9 cheaper but takes longer to receive and the overlay fabric which is quicker to receive, is $9 more expensive and is stated not to last as long.  Team members have said the overlays can last at least two seasons.  Select whether you want the stand and click [review]

Finish checking out and you are done!

Visit and click on [Services] at the top of the page.  Then hover your mouse over [Printing Services] then right to [Yard Signs] and click.

Click on [Upload Your Design]

Select the size and then click [Get Started]

In the Upload From dialog box, click [My Computer] and navigate to where you saved the sign files.  Make sure you select the proper orientation file for the type sign you are looking to print.

If printing a horizontal sign, simply click [Continue] at the top right of the page.

If printing vertical, click on the image, then click [Rotate] at the top of the image and [Scale to Fit] then click [Continue] at the upper right of the page.

Approve the design by placing a check in the box stating you have reviewed the product and click [Continue]

Select your shipping method and accept the remainder of defaults and click [Add to Cart]

~ Click the video below to see things in action ~

It did not happen unless you took a picture!

We want to see those pics and so do others in the group!  Don’t forget to snap a quick photo of your sign in your display and upload it to the Facebook page!